Monday, November 19, 2007

There She Goes Again~~~

Hey guys, that CL started to write something again...
This time is about HIS birthday, but unfortunately....
It's in Mandarin....
Someone can't read it.... :p

By the way, i read from the other blog
Found out that she is planning to go back on this Friday.
But i don think that she will tell me...
And i'm not sure how high is the possibility she is going back...

But one thing i'm sure is....
I do wish that she will go back...
You know why? Because i don 1 2 see her face...
i rather stay alone in the house than seeing her in the house.

1 comment:

The Club House of 3 said...

what is the things she wrote about? im very curious la.... he din invite her to his bday ar? bad or good one? i hope is bad. hahahahahah~~~
if she want to go back just let her back lo... macam sampah di rumah kamu, busuk sangat, buangnya asap.
